% D, 43 |
% K, 43 |
Academic skills, 7 |
Acceleration, 45 |
Accepting the risk, 167, 168 |
Against the Gods (Bernstein), 203 |
Alcohol, 11 |
Anecdotes/stories/poems: |
balloonist, 165 |
lighthouse, 183 |
St. Peter, 147 |
what trading can and cannot buy, 71 |
Anniversary days, 66 |
Anticipatory volatility, 57 |
Back testing, 35, 36, 77, 84-86, 179 |
Balanced approach (fundamental and technical analysis), 162 |
Balloonist (story), 165 |
Bear markets, 65, 66 |
Beat the Dealer(Thorp), 142 |
Being wrong, 160 |
Benger, Stephan, 247, 248 |
Bernstein, Peter, 203 |
Black, Fischer, 19 |
Black-Merton-Scholes methodology, 19 |
Black-Scholes formula, 19 |
Blamer, 61 |
Break-even stop, 213 |
Breakout systems, 87, 97 |
Brown, Mark, 49, 50, 73-7, 112 |
Buy and hold strategy, 161 |
Buy high/sell low, 230 |
Buy low/sell high, 236 |
Buy/sell signals, 149 |
Buy setups, 157 |
C.V., 95-118 |
Capital preservation, 90 |
Cashman, Gene, 64 |
CBOT, 33, 34, 219 |
CBOT rule book, 219 |
Chalek, Michael, 119-122 |
Chandelier Exit, 185, 186 |
Chaos theory, 7 |
Charlie P. (Fallon), 145 |
Charting techniques, 249 |
Charts, 123-125 |
Chicago Board of Trade, 33, 34, 219 |
Chicago Mercantile Exchange, membership, 139 |
Cirks, Mike, 79, 80 |
Clinical/intuitive models, 35 |
CME, membership, 139 |