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C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
by Valluru B. Rao M&T Books, IDG Books Worldwide, Inc. ISBN: 1558515526 Pub Date: 06/01/95 |
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Listing 11.3 shows the layerk.cpp file, which has the implementation of the functions outlined.
Listing 11.3 Implementation file for the Kohonen layer and Kohonen network :layerk.cpp
// layerk.cpp V.Rao, H.Rao // compile for floating point hardware if available #include “layer.cpp” #include “layerk.h” // ————————————————————- // Kohonen layer //————————————————————— Kohonen_layer::Kohonen_layer(int i, int o, int init_neigh_size) { num_inputs=i; num_outputs=o; neighborhood_size=init_neigh_size; weights = new float[num_inputs*num_outputs]; outputs = new float[num_outputs]; } Kohonen_layer::~Kohonen_layer() { delete [num_outputs*num_inputs] weights; delete [num_outputs] outputs; } void Kohonen_layer::calc_out() { // implement lateral competition // choose the output with the largest // value as the winner; neighboring // outputs participate in next weight // update. Winner’s output is 1 while // all other outputs are zero int i,j,k; float accumulator=0.0; float maxval; winner_index=0; maxval=-1000000; for (j=0; j<num_outputs; j++) { for (i=0; i<num_inputs; i++) { k=i*num_outputs; if (weights[k+j]*weights[k+j] > 1000000.0) { cout << “weights are blowing up\n”; cout << “try a smaller learning constant\n”; cout << “e.g. beta=0.02 aborting...\n”; exit(1); } outputs[j]=weights[k+j]*(*(inputs+i)); accumulator+=outputs[j]; } // no squash function outputs[j]=accumulator; if (outputs[j] > maxval) { maxval=outputs[j]; winner_index=j; } accumulator=0; } // set winner output to 1 outputs[winner_index]=1.0; // now zero out all other outputs for (j=0; j< winner_index; j++) outputs[j]=0; for (j=num_outputs-1; j>winner_index; j—) outputs[j]=0; } void Kohonen_layer::randomize_weights() { int i, j, k; const unsigned first_time=1; const unsigned not_first_time=0; float discard; float norm; discard=randomweight(first_time); for (i=0; i< num_inputs; i++) { k=i*num_outputs; for (j=0; j< num_outputs; j++) { weights[k+j]=randomweight(not_first_time); } } // now need to normalize the weight vectors // to unit length // a weight vector is the set of weights for // a given output for (j=0; j< num_outputs; j++) { norm=0; for (i=0; i< num_inputs; i++) { k=i*num_outputs; norm+=weights[k+j]*weights[k+j]; } norm = 1/((float)sqrt((double)norm)); for (i=0; i< num_inputs; i++) { k=i*num_outputs; weights[k+j]*=norm; } } } void Kohonen_layer::update_neigh_size(int new_neigh_size) { neighborhood_size=new_neigh_size; } void Kohonen_layer::update_weights(const float alpha) { int i, j, k; int start_index, stop_index; // learning law: weight_change = // alpha*(input-weight) // zero change if input and weight // vectors are aligned // only update those outputs that // are within a neighborhood’s distance // from the last winner start_index = winner_index - neighborhood_size; if (start_index < 0) start_index =0; stop_index = winner_index + neighborhood_size; if (stop_index > num_outputs-1) stop_index = num_outputs-1; for (i=0; i< num_inputs; i++) { k=i*num_outputs; for (j=start_index; j<=stop_index; j++) weights[k+j] += alpha*((*(inputs+i))-weights[k+j]); } } void Kohonen_layer::list_weights() { int i, j, k; for (i=0; i< num_inputs; i++) { k=i*num_outputs; for (j=0; j< num_outputs; j++) cout << “weight[“<<i<<”,”<< j<<”] is: “<<weights[k+j]; } } void Kohonen_layer::list_outputs() { int i; for (i=0; i< num_outputs; i++) { cout << “outputs[“<<i<< “] is: “<<outputs[i]; } } float Kohonen_layer::get_win_dist() { int i, j, k; j=winner_index; float accumulator=0; float * win_dist_vec = new float [num_inputs]; for (i=0; i< num_inputs; i++) { k=i*num_outputs; win_dist_vec[i]=(*(inputs+i))-weights[k+j]; accumulator+=win_dist_vec[i]*win_dist_vec[i]; } win_distance =(float)sqrt((double)accumulator); delete [num_inputs]win_dist_vec; return win_distance; } Kohonen_network::Kohonen_network() { } Kohonen_network::~Kohonen_network() { } void Kohonen_network::get_layer_info() { int i; //————————————————————— // // Get layer sizes for the Kohonen network // // ————————————————————- cout << “ Enter in the layer sizes separated by spaces.\n”; cout << “ A Kohonen network has an input layer \n”; cout << “ followed by a Kohonen (output) layer \n”; for (i=0; i<2; i++) { cin >> layer_size[i]; } // ——————————————————————————— // size of layers: // input_layer layer_size[0] // Kohonen_layer layer_size[1] //———————————————————————————- } void Kohonen_network::set_up_network(int nsz) { int i; // set up neighborhood size neighborhood_size = nsz; //———————————————————————————- // Construct the layers // //———————————————————————————- layer_ptr[0] = new input_layer(0,layer_size[0]); layer_ptr[1] = new Kohonen_layer(layer_size[0], layer_size[1],neighborhood_size); for (i=0;i<2;i++) { if (layer_ptr[i] == 0) { cout << “insufficient memory\n”; cout << “use a smaller architecture\n”; exit(1); } } //———————————————————————————- // Connect the layers // //———————————————————————————- // set inputs to previous layer outputs for the Kohonen layer layer_ptr[1]->inputs = layer_ptr[0]->outputs; } void Kohonen_network::randomize_weights() { ((Kohonen_layer *)layer_ptr[1]) ->randomize_weights(); } void Kohonen_network::update_neigh_size(int n) { ((Kohonen_layer *)layer_ptr[1]) ->update_neigh_size(n); } void Kohonen_network::update_weights(const float a) { ((Kohonen_layer *)layer_ptr[1]) ->update_weights(a); } void Kohonen_network::list_weights() { ((Kohonen_layer *)layer_ptr[1]) ->list_weights(); } void Kohonen_network::list_outputs() { ((Kohonen_layer *)layer_ptr[1]) ->list_outputs(); } void Kohonen_network::get_next_vector(FILE * ifile) { int i; float normlength=0; int num_inputs=layer_ptr[1]->num_inputs; float *in = layer_ptr[1]->inputs; // get a vector and normalize it for (i=0; i<num_inputs; i++) { fscanf(ifile,”%f”,(in+i)); normlength += (*(in+i))*(*(in+i)); } fscanf(ifile,”\n”); normlength = 1/(float)sqrt((double)normlength); for (i=0; i< num_inputs; i++) { (*(in+i)) *= normlength; } } void Kohonen_network::process_next_pattern() { layer_ptr[1]->calc_out(); } float Kohonen_network::get_win_dist() { float retval; retval=((Kohonen_layer *)layer_ptr[1]) ->get_win_dist(); return retval; } int Kohonen_network::get_win_index() { return ((Kohonen_layer *)layer_ptr[1]) ->winner_index; }
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