News headlines, 92 |
Ninjas, 109-111 |
Obscene remarks, 190 |
Obvious error rule, 184 |
Occasional windfalls, 73, 74 |
OCT, 169 |
On-line trading, 18 |
Open outcry, 162 |
Opening trading strategies, 117-119 |
Order clerks, 182-184 |
Order Confirmation Transaction Service System (OCT), 169 |
Order handling rules, 24, 68, 161-163 |
Order-size limitations, 32, 33 |
Overnight positions, 104-106 |
Paltrow, Scott, 205 |
Paper trading, 48, 49 |
Paperwork, 64 |
Parameter traders, 71 |
"Pathetic" message, 204-206 |
Payment for order flow, 13, 156-160 |
Personality traits, 38-41, 121 |
Powell, Colin, 117 |
Price fixing, 142, 143 |
Price information, 96 |
Price rigging, 154-156 (See also SEC consent agreement, SEC remedial measures) |
Price transparency, 27 |
Pricing convention, 142, 143, 200 |
Professional trading accounts, 197-199 |
Program trading, 188 |
PTA rule, 197-199 |
Recent price movement, 97 |
Refusal to trade, 199 |
Regulation T, 42 |
Regulatory jobs, 189 |
Retirement fund money, 124 |
Return trade courtesy, 209 |
Ribbon (Nasdaq Level II screen), 9 |
Risk, 57-60 |
Rockefeller Center, 129 |
Rothschild, Baron, 95 |
Rudman Committee, 176 |
Rules for success, 134 |
Scared money, 126, 127 |
SEC consent agreement, 140-144 |
SEC findings, 213, 214 |
SEC investigation, 190, 207 |
SEC remedial measures, 144-147 |
Sector trading, 111, 112 |
Security Traders Association (STA), 185, 204 |
Selection of stocks, 123-125 |
Selective refusal to trade, 199 |
SelectNet, 10, 201, 203 |
Self-confidence, 38, 39 |
Self-test, 35, 36 |
Selling short, 106, 107, 112 |
Shakespeare, William, 132 |
Sharing information/cooperating, 210, 211 |
Sharpshooters, 71, 72 |
Short sales, 106, 107, 112 |
Simaan-Whitcomb study, 110, 155, 156 |
Simpson, O.J., 187 |
Small order execution system (SOES), 5, 6, 169 |
Smith, Adam, 162 |
Social Security pyramid, 124 |
SOES, 5, 6, 169 |
SOES ahead, 179, 180 |
SOES bandit, 143, 177 |
SOES Sucks buttons, 190 |
SOES trading (see DAET) |
SOES withdrawal, 194 |
Sorting program, 95, 96 |
Specialists, 70, 71 |