Spread cutting, 68 |
Spreads, 11, 12, 27, 28 |
STA, 185, 204 |
Standard analysis, 97-100 |
Start-up costs, 45, 46 |
Start-up room, 49, 50 |
Status box, 10 |
Stopping momentum, 87 |
Straddles, 120 |
Strategic alliances, 64, 65 |
Streaming data, 8 |
Styles of trading, 66-74 |
diversion traders, 72, 73 |
fading, 72 |
grinding, 69, 70 |
hybrid styles, 74 |
market-maker-style traders, 67-69 |
occasional windfalls, 73, 74 |
parameter traders, 71 |
sharpshooters, 71, 72 |
specialists, 70, 71 |
Superimposed chart, 98, 99 |
Technical analysis, 97-99 |
Three Hats of the NASD, 150 |
Ticker, 23, 24 |
Ticker (Nasdaq Level II screen), 8 |
Time competent, 130 |
Time requirements, 64 |
Timeline, 173-177 |
Timpinaro v. SEC, 198 |
Trading artistry, 89 |
Trading courtesies, 181, 209 |
Trading information, 60-62 |
Trading on the Internet, 17-19 |
Trading styles (see Styles of trading) |
Trading system, 51, 52 |
Trading through, 88 |
Training, 47-51 |
Twain, Mark, 214 |
21(a) Report, 190 |
Types of instruments traded, 65 |
Tyranny of the status quo, 115 |
Wall Street ninjas, 109-111 |
Watson, John L., III, 185-187 |
Wiggles, 79-83 |
Windfalls, 73, 74 |
Zest, 117, 118 |